Beckett's Blog

Friday, May 26, 2006

Cheryl's home on the web

Hi! My name is Wendy and I have been friends with Cheryl for almost as long as I can remember! We met in grade 3 actually - Mrs Rutledge's class. She was the "new" kid and was assigned the desk beside me. I don't recall many memories from that first year we met except one - Cheryl getting in trouble for chewing gum in class. She was punished by having to wear her gum on the end of her nose.

I guess this is the first "official" post to Cheryl's new blog - I offered to help set up her blog and get her going. I have been blogging for close to two years now ( Cheryl is one of my regular readers. Perhaps I was her inspiration to want to start her own blog?

So Cheryl - this is it - pretty simple! It will get easier the more you post and play around with the settings. This will be a great place to post pictures of the girls and keep family members in touch with the goings on in your life.



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