It's only hair...
In February of 2004, I took my oldest daughter Nicole for her first haircut, she was 4 years old. I had decided early on that if I was going to have it cut, I would grow it long enough to donate it to the cancer society, and mine would go too. As she sat on the booster seat in the barber’s chair, I watched the hairdresser take the scissors and begin to cut Coley’s long blonde naturally curly hair. In seconds it was done. My Mom was with us and we both had tears in our eyes. I was next. I sat patiently and thought, if she can do this, so can I. It’s only hair. My hair went from hanging down my back, to just under my ears. We had done it! Somebody else is going to benefit from what we have just done. What a wonderful gift.
I love seeing people with a new hairdo especially ladies and little girls that go from long, long hair to short hair. The thing that upsets me about it is when I ask if they donated it. I have heard all kinds of things from, “It wasn’t long enough” to ” they don’t take processed hair”…DO YOUR HOMEWORK PEOPLE!!!
There are places that take processed hair, and there are places that take smaller amounts….Coley and I didn’t have hair that fit the criteria for any of the Toronto locations, so we sent ours out of province. So I had to pay postage, so I had to spend more money to send it than I wanted to. I still had my hair, I didn’t have to sit in a chair with an IV bag full of chemo hooked up to me and then weeks later watch in horror as all my hair fell out. I watched my Mom go through this time and time again until she lost her battle July 19, 2004. I think hairdressers should have a list of places that accept hair donations in their salons and when someone comes in to get a haircut of that magnitude, the information is at their fingertips. “would you like to donate your hair?” should almost be the second question after, how short did you want to go.
I’ve done the work for you. Below is a list taken right from the Canadian Cancer Society’s web site outlining the criteria and locations of those places that take hair donations. More people need to be aware….after all, “it’s only hair….
Hair donations
The Canadian Cancer Society helps people living with cancer find wigs and other types of headwear when they experience hair loss as a result of cancer treatment. Although we are not involved in the collection of hair or the production of wigs, we get many questions from people who want to donate their hair as a way to support those who are living with cancer.
The following information might be helpful if you are thinking about donating your hair.
How to prepare your hair
The following conditions apply to hair donations:
· hair must be clean and dry and not swept off the floor
· hair must be a minimum length (this length varies based on a specific hair donation program’s requirements – see below)
· hair should not be chemically treated (bleach, colour or perm)
· hair should be bundled in a ponytail at both ends or a braid
Sending your hair
· send hair by regular mail to the hair donation program of your choice
· include your name and return address as acknowledgements may be sent
Since it takes approximately 12 donations of unprocessed hair and costs about $1,200 to craft a single hand-sewn wig for a child, it is not possible to find out or meet the person who receives a wig made with your hair.
If the donated hair cannot be used in the manufacture of a wig, it will not be returned to the donor.
Where to donate
The following companies accept donations of human hair for the manufacture of wigs for cancer patients. Please check the program requirements listed below before sending your hair.
British Columbia
Eva & Co. Wigs
950 West Broadway, Unit 107
Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Z 1K7
Hair donations will be accepted by mail only.
Minimum requirement: length – 8 inches (20 cm), do not braid
Havana Technical Hair Design
326 Gilmore Avenue
Burnaby, BC, V5C 4R1
Hair donations will be accepted by regular mail only.
Minimum requirement: length – 9 inches (23cm), do not braid
The Fringe Hair Company
2609 14 Street SW
Calgary, AB T2T 3T9
Phone: 403 245 6232
Minimum requirement: length – 10 inches (25cm), no processing, no grey hair.
Please do not braid but secure hair at the top and bottom.
Evelyn’s Wigs and Breast Prosthetic Service
79 Lagimodiere Avenue
Lorette, MB R0A 0Y0
Minimum requirement: length – 8 inches (20cm), no processing, no grey hair.
Please do not braid but secure hair at the top and bottom.
A- Bientôt
371 Wellington Road South, Unit 5
London, Ontario, N6C 4P9
Minimum requirement: length – 12 inches (30cm)
A Child's Voice FoundationAngel Hair for Kids
3034 Palstan Road, Ste. 305
Mississauga, Ontario, L4Y 2Z6
Minimum requirement: length – 10 inches (25cm), no processing, preferably braided
Hair for Kids Program, c/o Continental Hair
92 1/2 Avenue Road
Toronto, Ontario, M5R 2H2
Minimum requirement: length –10 inches (25cm), minimal processing acceptable
Wigs for Kids Affiliate, c/o The Medical Image
603 Argus Road, Suite 108
Oakville, Ontario, L6J 6G6
Minimum requirement: length – 12 inches (30cm), no gray hair